Thursday, June 8, 2017

Class Evaluation

Well to start off  the first thing I liked about class is that we learn a life lesson everyday. We learn something that will stay true to us for the rest of our life . Another thing I like about  this class is that we have time to go over our life planning journal. This class was also like a reminder to always help us choose best choice when in tough situations. We had the time to look at some very interesting medical careers.

One recommendation would be to not over exaggerate on the little flaws people in the past have made . Like when they made one wrong choice now everything about them is wrong. Overall everything is fine.

One of my highlights from this class is everytime we walk out of this class we walk out with new knowledge. We walk out knowing we will try our best to do the right thing. Another one of my highlights is now at the end of this year we got to learn how to code on a computer. For example, now if we need help with something we can just go online or if we need more practice with something we know where to go.

In the beginning of the year I did try my best . But after a while I was oblivious that I started slacking off. I was always off and on.So to be honest I guess it would be both because sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't. I think it all depended on what the assignment was.

Nowadays I am reading my life planning journal but not for 5 minutes. Maybe for like 3 but not five. This is because I kind of don't find it helpful to my everyday life.
Honestly I can’t say i'm committed to being a ctr person. This is because  I know that everyday there's at least more than one thing i did wrong. And I know that there will always be temptations. Maybe some of them I won't be able to resist.

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