" If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it."- Marcus Aurelius
I think this means that it is very simple to not do what is wrong. You need to just not do it and if you want to say something bad don't say it. For example, if your friends tell you lets smoke and you say no but they peer pressure you and all you have to do is not do it or even walk away simple. But some people don't get it they start smoking cause they think "oh everyone is doing it then that means i need to do it also". But it doesn't work like that you need to say no because its is not right. Also for example, if you are a bully and you say stuff about people all you have to do is not say it cause it's not true you just bully someone cause you want attention or something else. This is why you need to CTTR and not CTW cause if you CTR you will have a good future and a job that you will like and get payed very well. But if you CTW no one will want you and even take you and your future will be a mess.
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