World War 2

World War ll was started in September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945 it was all over the world but mostly the war was on Europe, Pacific, Atlantic, Southeast Asia, china, Middle East, Mediterranean and Northern Africa. I will show you the timeline that happened of the whole world war 11 events.September 18, 1931; Japan invades manchuria . october 2,1935- may 1936; Fascist Italy invades, conquers, and annexes Ethiopia. October 25- November 1, 1936; Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy sign a treaty of cooperation on October 25; on November 1, the Rome-Berlin axis is announced. November 25, 1936; Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact, directed against the Soviet Union and the international Communist movement. July 7, 1937; Japan invades china, initiating world world 11 in the pacific. March 11- 13, 1938; Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss. September 29, 1938; Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement which forces the Czechoslovak Republic to cede the Sudetenland, including the key Czechoslovak military defense positions, to Nazi Germany. March 14-15, 1939
Under German pressure, the Slovaks declare their independence and form a Slovak Republic. The Germans occupy the rump Czech lands in violation of the Munich agreement, forming a Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. March 31, 1939; France and Great Britain guarantee the integrity of the borders of the Polish state. April 7-15 , 1939; Fascist Italy invades and annexes Albania. August 23. 1939; Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union sign a nonaggression agreement and a secret codicil dividing eastern Europe into spheres of influence. And so on but i don't want to make this as long as it is already and some things you can do to honor and show respect for WW11 veterans is to watch ABMC, go to events or watch movies about or show other people about it and learn about it, there is many ways to show respect.